Introducing The Budget Widget
During the last 20 years of providing customer engagement tools to our utility partners, we’ve learned a lot about how to present energy information. The biggest takeaway from our experience is that every customer is different – each person has a different level of expertise and has different goals for their energy consumption. Some customers want to see detailed kWh and KW data, while others are only interested in their bottom line. Some customers want to be able to review graphs and charts, while others just want to receive a text with a snapshot of their usage. Because of this endless variability, we’ve strived to create solutions that are as flexible as your customers’ needs.
Enter: the AEI dashboard, a framework we rolled out last year that allows for highly-customized visualizations of customers’ energy information. We’re excited to introduce you to the latest addition to this dashboard, our new budget widget. This widget enables customers to see a month-to-date or billing cycle-to-date estimate of their energy costs using our industry-leading Rate Engine. With our sophisticated technology, we’re able to capture virtually every element of your customers’ rates to deliver highly accurate estimates.
While customers vary in terms of the data they want to see on their energy dashboards, every consumer values knowing what their bill is at any point in time. Utility Program Managers have occasionally expressed concerns about whether a bill estimate may create confusion, but we’ve found that customers appreciate having this new data point. It enables them to better manage their budget by increasing their understanding of the relationship between their usage and its cost.
By giving consumers these insights, utilities are empowering them to take control of their energy usage and costs. The end result? Satisfied, engaged customers making energy decisions that are in line with their budgets and values.
If you’re interested in learning more about how AEI can help you leverage data to improve your consumers’ experience, we’d love to chat with you. Reach out today to get started.