Got Data?

Got Data?

According to the Institute for Electric Innovation, 107 million smart meters were installed across the United States by the end of 2020, followed by nearly 70% of customers who implemented advanced metering infrastructure (AMI) in 2021.

The amount of data available to utilities has increased significantly over the past decade. In fact, utilities have focused specifically on harnessing data to improve system efficiencies. For many utilities, improving data flows to internal users has been the primary focus while providing better data flows to customers has been an afterthought. While it is always important to have accurate and timely billing data, failure to consider ways to provide customers with detailed information is failing to maximize the value of the utility’s AMI system.

When it comes to customer-facing applications, most utilities don’t spend much time considering their options aside from offering online payment alternatives. Every customer may not desire to have more detailed consumption data but those who do will find it very helpful when it comes to energy efficiency and demand response programs.

What should a utility customer look for when considering Customer Engagement tools?

1. Ease of use. The tool should be easy, intuitive and functional for all users. Many applications are written by engineers for engineers. We understand how frustrating it can be for customers to not be able to find what they need. Look for solutions that are designed with the utility customer in mind.

2. Search for applications that are customizable. What your customers want to see today may not be the same in a few months––especially as utility programs and rates change over time. Don’t get locked into a solution that limits your ability to respond to changing conditions in the future.

3. Integrated rates. Customers don’t always understand kilowatt (kW) and kilowatt hour (kWh) measurements, but they always understand dollars. Look for an application that integrates your rates. This is especially important as more and more utilities look to implement time-of use (TOU) rates. Helping customers understand their costs, along with how much they’re spending, is never a bad thing. And, when you combine rate information with standard and custom alerting features, your customer satisfaction numbers are sure to rise.

4. Search for a solution provider that works to offload the maintenance of the tools from your utility staff. A good partner, particularly one whose focus is customer-facing applications, will take on those tasks.

Maximize the value of your investment with your AMI system by leveraging its capabilities to provide timely, customized consumption data to all customer groups. Your customers want to see their data and providing it to them doesn’t have to be complex or expensive. Reach out to the experts at Automated Energy so we can help empower you to make timely and informed data decisions.

How Can We Help?

If you’re ready to unlock the value of your electric meter to start making effective, data-based decisions, send us a message and a member of our team will reach out to you.

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