Top Three Challenges
Congratulations! You have deployed an AMI system or have started your automated data journey.
Now what are you going to do with all of that data? And how are you going to make it useful for your customers? As a utility manager, you’ve got your hands full – customer expectations, internal mandates and budget goals. What if we told you we have the solutions you need to bring order to some of the chaos? What if we told you we can help you to give your customers the information they need to make timely, informed decisions? In our experience, these are some of the challenges you face. Does any of this sound familiar?
I don’t have time or people to do this
You would like some help with the sea of data surging all around you, but you’ve got your hands full as it is. What will you have to do to implement our solutions? How much heavy lifting will you have to do, and what kind of time commitment is involved? Good news! We can use your existing data structure and design a custom energy information solution that puts everything at your customers fingertips, in real time, giving them the ability to do better understand their energy consumption. Just push us a copy of your data and rates, pick a spot on your website, a name for your new services, and we will take care of the rest!
This has to work with our other systems
You don’t have budget to pay someone to develop expensive integrations to existing systems or for another piece of technology that requires manual intervention to generate reports. You need a solution that can easily integrate with your existing systems. We can customize our solutions to link with your billing system, through a customer smartphone app that gives customers the ability to see how they’re using energy, how to adjust their usage to save money, and the ability to pay their utility bill with the click of a button. The best news – this is included as a part of the cost of our service.
We’ve been down this road before
You were ahead of the curve, maybe an early adopter…and your metering solution did a good job of getting data to your billing department and your engineers….just not your customers! Not a problem! We have plenty of experience stepping into these scenarios and developing a solution that leverages the work you have already done. We can come to you, analyze your data and systems, and recommend the steps you need to take to implement a successful customer-facing solution regardless of your metering system. Every customer’s timeline is different, so whether you are ready to roll right away or you are still planning your upgrades we can work at your pace.